Bluetooth marketing

Bluetooth Marketing is the use of a bluetooth broadcast device to scan, poll and send a message, image, video clip, audio, calendar event, bookmark or address book item to the passing public.

Nearly everyone in the UK has a mobile device, either a laptop, PDA but most probably a mobile phone. Most of these devices are Bluetooth enabled; Bluetooth is a wireless product that is a low powered version of wifi that can transmit up to 100m (class 1), 10m (class 2) or 1m (class 3).

By using the capabilities of bluetooth broadcast on every mobile device you can scan and send information to each device that passes by. Every Bluetooth device has a MAC address which allows our device to track if a message has been delivered, it also enables us NOT to abuse the use of Bluetooth, we can do this by holding back before we resend the information again, this could be 10 minutes or 2 weeks but it most certainly prevents us from becoming a nuisance or spamming a device.

The device is very low powered and quite small which helps us to fix the unit over doorways, at or behind bars, inside billboards or poster units, in kiosks or where ever you would have a concentration of people with mobile devices.

The flexibility, the size and the capability of the device makes it the perfect marketing device that can give you up to 20% response rate to the information you send out. Using the device with poster or bill boards will mean that you have the edge over your competitors. This is essential for today’s marketing techniques.

How to send files from a PDA or Laptop TO A Mobile Phone Using Bluetooth Advertising Application