You need to upgrade your software!!
It looks like you have an old version of the software. We have made some improvements to help you get the best out of using the software. Please feel free to upgrade your software and it is still FREE!!
To install the new version you will need to unistall the old version. You can do this by going to the your control panel and ‘Add or remove programs’, select ‘Ad2Hand Free’ click remove.
Please note if you are getting a low success rate it is down to the filesize being used (below 15kb) and the Bluetooth Dongle / Antenna used.
Get yourself a SENA USB UD100 and a 5dbi or better antenna and you will see a massive difference.
To Do.
Need to stop all the threads on Exit of the program. At the moment all threads will run in the background until completed, this can cause issue if the user restarts the program before all the threads have finished.
Create timeout for devices that are still available but don’t respond. This can take up to 50 seconds at the moment.
Add support for Windows 7 and 64 bit
Improvements to start and stop scanning of bluetooth devices also I have made sure the device will only broadcast to a device once by default. It is probably the best setting as multiple calls to the same device will just use up valuable broadcasting time.